在中国人的精神里,众志成城、精诚团结的同胞情谊一直占据着很重的分量。如何用英语表达这种精神?让我们一起潜入历史的脉络,通过一系列的中华思想文化术语,体悟中华民族的精神实质,汲取思想智慧。中英文内容来自中华思想文化术语传播工程核心成果——《中华思想文化术语》丛书。赤子之心Utter Innocence本义指婴儿未经世俗染污的纯洁心灵,也指成年人仍然保有的婴儿般的赤诚真心,那种在功利世界里仍能坚守的初心。在政治伦理领域,它指人类善良的真心本性,主要是推己及人的恻隐之心或者是童真一般的尚实求真品格;在文艺创作与审美领域,它主要指具有丰富情感和美好纯真理想的童心,是超越了一切功利心、尘俗气息以及过于理智、缺乏审美情趣的心理状态。它既是古人推崇的理想人格的一种表征,也是文艺作品中美好人物形象塑造的一种类型。This term refers to the pure heart and soul of a newborn babe, untainted by worldly affairs. Most often, it refers to adults who retain the utter innocence of an infant, holding themselves aloof from worldly goals. In the field of political ethics, the term highlights humans' natural kindness, calling for empathy with others and child-like wonder for truth. In literary creation and aesthetics, it refers mainly to a pure state of being filled with subtle feelings and noble ideals, transcending all worldly pursuits and sophistication, and rejecting an overly rational mentality lacking aesthetic judgment. The term promotes an ideal personality worshiped by ancient Chinese and represents a laudable type of character often portrayed in literary works.▌引例大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。(《孟子·离娄下》)He who is capable of retaining a childlike heart is a truly virtuous man. (Mencius)众志成城UnityIs Strength.本谓“众心成城”,意思是大家众志成城,就会像城墙一样坚固。“志”即意愿、意志;“城”指城墙,是古代的防御设施。比喻大家团结一致,就能形成巨大力量,克服一切困难。其中隐含着三个重要命题:人的因素第一,人的精神力量第一,人的精诚团结第一。This term means "united, we’ll be as solidas a fortress." With concerted effort, people collectively can generatetremendous strength and be able to overcome all difficulties. Zhi, the secondcharacter in the term, means will, and cheng, the last character, means thewall of a fortress. The whole term implies three most important elements: (1)the factor of human capability; (2) human spirit and courage; and (3) the unity ofthe people.▌引例众志成城,天下治理。(何光远《鉴戒录·陪臣谏》) When all the people are united as one, peace willreign across the country. (He Guangyuan: A Record of Admonishing Anecdotes)同胞Brothersand Sisters of the Same Parents; Compatriots同胞胎,指同父母所生的兄弟姐妹。犹言亲人、一家人。北宋张载(1020—1077)依据万物皆由天地所生这一观念,提出了“民胞物与”的思想。“同胞”一词由此超越了血亲家族的范围,进而指同一民族或国家特别是具有共同语言和文化的人;有时甚至超越民族、国家等界限,泛指整个人类。它通过对共同的祖先、语言和文化的溯源,唤起并强化人们对自己民族或国家的归属感和认同感,其中所蕴含的平等、博爱观念,可以说是人类共同的精神财富。This term originally referred to siblings in the samefamily. Based on the belief that all living creatures are created byheaven and earth, Zhang Zai (1020–1077) of the Northern Song Dynasty advancedthe view that all people were brothers and sisters and all living thingscompanions. The meaning of the term was thus extended from blood ties toinclude people of the same nation or state, especially those with a commonlanguage and culture. Sometimes the term goes beyond the nation to refer to allof humanity. Tracing common ancestry, language, and culture, rouses andstrengthens people’s sense of identity and recognition of their nation andstate. Equality and the universal love it embodies are a source of inspiration forhumanity.▌引例同胞之徒,无所容居,其故何也? (东方朔《答客难》)Howcould it be that one’s blood bothers have no place to live? (Dongfang Shuo:Replies to a Guest’s Questions)道济天下Understanding Heaven以“道”拯救、帮助天下的人。“道”指道理、道义,也可以是某种学说、思想等;“济”即救助,使人免于困苦;“天下”指世间所有的人。“道济天下”包含两层意思:其一,“道”的价值有无、大小就是看它于天下人是否有益。其二,君子特别是知识分子应该将自己所主张或掌握的“道”用于天下、用于经世济民。和“经世致用”一样,“道济天下”实质代表中国传统知识分子治学立世的终极目标与人格理想,体现了中国传统知识分子追求真理、坚持真理、关注社会民生以及“以天下为己任”的人文情怀和道德境界。The term means to save and help all people throughupholding truth and justice. Dao (道) here refers to truth and justice, and also toparticular thought or doctrine. Ji (济) means relieving or helping people out ofdifficulties or sufferings. Tianxia (天下) refers to everything under heaven, and particularlyall people. Therefore, this phrase contains two meanings. First, the value ofany particular Dao depends on whether it serves the interests of the people.Second, people of virtue, and intellectuals in particular, should apply the Dao they have learned to serve the people and use the ancient classics they havestudied to meet present needs. Much like the idea of "studying ancient classicsto meet present needs," this notion of "supporting all people by upholdingtruth and justice," represents the ultimate goal and ideal character of thetraditional Chinese intellectuals in their pursuit of knowledge. It alsoembodies the compassion and moral standards of the traditional Chineseintellectuals as they pursue and uphold truth, care about the livelihood of thepeople, and take upon themselves the responsibility for the world.▌引例知周乎万物,而道济天下,故不过。(《周易·系辞上》)Sageswon’t make mistakes, for they have endless wisdom about everything under heavenand their virtues help all people in the world. (The Book of Changes)见义勇为ActBravely for a Just Cause遇见合乎道义的事情,就勇敢地去做。它是坚持道义和勇于担当的奉献精神的有机统一,是中华民族自古崇尚的优良品格和行为。如今,见义勇为受到法律保护,依相关条例规定,它是指公民为保护国家利益、社会公共利益或者他人的人身财产安全,不顾个人安危,挺身而出,同正在实施的违法犯罪行为作斗争,或者抢险、救灾、救人的行为。无论古今,见义勇为都是一种良好的社会道德风尚,是社会文明进步的重要标志。This term refers to a person acting courageously to dowhat is righteous. This fine tradition hailed by the Chinese nation sinceancient times establishes that a man should be committed to upholding justiceand shouldering social responsibility. Today, such acts are protected by law.Some administrative regulations provide that "acting bravely for a just cause" refers to an action of a citizen who fights to stop any on-site criminal actsor acts in an emergency to protect state property, public interests,people, or their property from danger disregarding his safety. Whetherin ancient days or today, acting bravely for justice is always a commendableethical deed and also an important indicator of social progress.▌引例见义不为,无勇也。(《论语·为政》)Onewho knows what is right but takes no action is lacking in courage. (TheAnalects)中华思想文化术语《中华思想文化术语(历史 哲学 文艺)》是国务院批准设立的“中华思想文化术语传播工程”的成果之一,以学生和教师等群体为读者对象,为其研读、理解和翻译中华思想文化相关内容提供准确权威、正本清源的参考。这些术语反映了中国传统文化特征和民族思维方式,体现了中国核心价值,编写者用易于口头表达、交流的简练语言客观准确地予以诠释,目的是在政府机构、社会组织、传播媒体等对外交往活动中,传播好中国声音,讲好中国故事,让世界更多了解中国国情、历史和文化。